martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

historia perduda

he perdut la història k vaig començar a deixar per capítols la
de LA DETENIDA per 2 putus formats seguits ¬¬' quan la trobi x cds
o aixis la tornaré a nar penjant mentres nire deixant cançons
o el kem vingui pl cap altre cop!(tic bé, tic bé! jam passarà
el k hi hagi... ¬¬'grrrrrr! pq ha de ser així? joeeeeeer!)

...i no té res a veure xDDD però m'he partit
BRUTAL!!!!!!! En POCHETINO pujant a MONTSERRAT a peu per demanar
a la Moreneta que no baixi a 2ona l'Espanyiol...
es mereix el meu respecte ELL per això! jur!

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm
He came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldn't be that man I adored
You don't seem to know
Seem to care what your heart is for
But I don't know him anymore
There's nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

So I guess the fortune teller's right
Should have seen just what was there
And not some holy light
Which crawled beneath my veins
And now I don't care
I had no luck
I don't miss it all that much
There's just so many things
That I can touch I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

There's nothing where he used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's right I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake
And I can see
The perfect sky is torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I'm ashamed
Bound and broken on the floor
You're a little late
I'm already torn

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